Resources on Hearing Health

​Mitigate the risk for Hearing Loss

There is more you can do to preserve your hearing beyond staying clear of excessive noise exposure, click below to learn more about some proactive lifestyle choices.


Characterized by buzzing noise in one or both ears that may be constant or come and go, often associated with hearing loss.  Learn more about its causes and potential treatments.

Make an Appointment

Meet with one of Boys Town National Research Hospital's distinguished clinical audiologists to get information that pertains to YOU and your hearing health, it is never too early or too late to preserve your health. Click to set up an appointment.

Hearing Aid Resources

Finding the right option for YOU can be difficult.  While we recommend that you get your own personalized information from a clinical audiologist, this form can help you learn more about the options you have, including the different styles and benefits of hearing aids.

A Free Hearing Test

If you participate in our lab's research study, you will receive a hearing test by a licensed Audiologist at no cost to you or your insurance. Click to schedule an appointment.

Additional Resources and FAQ

Not everything you were looking for? View additional resources courtesy of Boys Town National Research Hospital's Ear, Nose and Throat Institute.