Vestibular Genetics Laboratory
For scientists and other professionals
The Vestibular Genetics Laboratory, under the direction of
Dr. Yesha Lundberg, conducts research to uncover the genetic, molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the normal and abnormal development and maintenance of the vestibular (balance) system. We are also interested in the genetics of hearing loss. We use mouse models as well as human genetic and genomic approaches.
For families
Our studies are aimed to identify the molecular and genetic causes of inner-ear diseases, particularly vestibular diseases. These studies can eventually help develop better methods for prevention and early intervention.
Over 7 million adults in the United States suffer chronic vertigo of vestibular origin, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is believed to be caused by dislocation of otoconia (minute crystals in the inner ear), and can be very disruptive to daily living.
Our studies show that many BPPV patients also have hearing loss. In all, about 30 million Americans have some kind of hearing problems. While many hearing loss genes have been identified in children, far fewer studies have been done in adults. The second goal of our studies is to identify molecular and genetic causes of age-related hearing loss.
Another project under way is the genetics of BOR (branchio-oto-renal) syndrome. BOR is an autosomal dominant birth defect that causes malformations of the branchial arches, ears (including hearing loss) and kidneys.
Please email or call
1-531-355-6336 if you are interested in participating in our studies or have questions for us.