Complex Listening Study


​​Speech Attention and Understanding in Noise Study

​​Some children who are har​d of hearing have trouble understanding in background noise, even when hearing aids provide good audibility of speech. We are trying to understand how other factors, like a child’s ability to tell differences between sounds or how a child remembers and pays attention, affects their speech understanding in noisy places.

​Children receive $15 per hour for their participation.

Who Can Participate?

  • Children ages 6 to 12 years old
  • Children with normal hearing or bilateral mild-severe hearing levels
  • Children who primarily speak English

If you are unsure if your child qualifies, please contact us. We are happy to answer any questions.

What is Participation Like?

  • Visits take place at the downtown location of Boys Town National Research Hospital
  • The study typically involves 1-2 visits per year for 3 years
  • Most visits last between 2 to 4 hours
  • Children may participate in a hearing test and a check of hearing aid function if hearing aids are worn. They may complete measures of attention, memory, and language. Children may listen to sounds and indicate whether the sounds are the different or the same. They may also complete speech repetition tasks in quiet or background noise
  • Parents and caregivers are asked to answer questions about their child’s hearing and medical history, listening behavior, and/or use of hearing aids

Sign Up to P​articipate

To sign up to participate or for more information, please contact the site closest to you:
