Dr. Sprague joined Boys Town Pediatrics in 2002. He feels that pediatrics is the perfect opportunity for challenges, critical thinking and problem solving to ultimately find a diagnosis or solution to help a child and family. Dr. Sprague enjoys being able to get to know his patients and their families and watching them grow over time. Request an appointment with Dr. Sprague at our Lakeside Clinic.
- Medical Degree, University of Nebraska College of Medicine
- Pediatric Residency, University of Texas Southwestern, Children's Medical Center of Dallas
Lakeside Clinic-Pediatrics | | lakeside-clinic | Lakeside Clinic-Pediatrics | Lakeside Clinic | 16929 Frances St, Ste 101 | 16929 Frances St<br>Ste 101 | Omaha | NE | 68130 | (402) 758-5125 | | ServiceLocationCatalog | | |